Hi there,

Today, I’m sharing something precious I’ve discovered about the actual ingredients used in ancient beauty preparations – the same types of ingredients that would have been part of Queen Esther’s beauty ritual.

During my research into ancient beauty practices, I was struck by how these sacred ingredients align perfectly with modern science’s findings about skin health. Let me share some of these divine discoveries with you.

“And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden… and out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food” – Genesis 2:8-9 (KJV)

Just as God provided perfect ingredients in the Garden of Eden, these ancient beauty ingredients carry profound benefits:

Frankincense: Known as “liquid gold” in ancient times, this precious oil was worth more than gold. It’s mentioned 22 times in the Bible and was one of the gifts brought to baby Jesus. Modern research confirms its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Rose Hip Oil: This powerhouse ingredient helps restore skin’s elasticity and provides protection against environmental damage – much like how Queen Esther needed to prepare her skin for palace life.

Greek Lavender: Used throughout ancient times, this precious oil works at the cellular level to enhance skin’s natural radiance – exactly what a future queen would need.

Tomorrow, I’ll share how to combine these ancient ingredients with modern wisdom for optimal results.

With grace and purpose,

P.S. Want to experience these biblical ingredients for yourself? I’ve found an amazing beauty oil that combines all these ancient ingredients in their purest form. Click here to discover this modern incarnation of ancient beauty wisdom.

P.P.S. Ready to transform your body from the inside out? There’s an incredible 30-day program that combines ancient wisdom with modern science to reset your metabolism. Learn more here about this holistic approach to wellness.